
Vadim PonomarenkoDept. of Mathematics and Statistics If you're looking for old exams, click on "teaching" above.

If you'd like to see what sort of math research I do, click on "research" above.

Professor of MathematicsGMCS Building
Office Phone: (619) 594-6176Room 511
Preferred Email:San Diego State University
vponomarenko@sdsu.edu5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-7720


Spring 2024 schedule:

Math 245: MWF 10-10:50am SSW-1500. Syllabus, supplement, Chapter 1 of the text, Discord. This course uses Canvas, be sure to check it regularly.

Office hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 9-9:50am, and by appointment (in GMCS 511).
TA office hour signup link: click here

University Senate: Tuesdays 2-4:30pm.
University Inclusion Council: Tuesdays 12:30-1:30pm.
Campus Development Committee: Tuesdays 1-2pm.
Academic Policy and Planning Committee: Tuesdays 2-4pm.


Textbook: Mathematical Maturity via Discrete Mathematics. Here is the table of contents, here is an excerpt including front matter, first chapter, and end matter, here are the errata.

Here is the REU program web page.

My recent-ish talks:
Compound Sequences on 1/10/15, Fibonacci Nim on 8/7/15, LaTeX (with associated source code) on 6/21/16, Gelfand's Problem on 1/4/17, LaTeX (with associated source code) on 6/27/17, Atomic Complexes on 1/10/18, Binary Quadratic Forms on 5/24/2018, LaTeX (with associated source code) on 6/19/18, Affine Monoids on 3/22/2019, LaTeX (with associated source code) on 6/17/19, LaTeX (with associated source code) on 6/13/22, Introduction to Factorization Theory on 6/12/23, LaTeX (with associated source code) on 6/12/23

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