San Diego State University
Tao Xie






Contact Me







Tao Xie

Department of Computer Science
San Diego State University

Tao Xie at washington DC
I am looking for a Ph.D. student working on a new persistent file system. Please click Here.

About Me

    I am a professor in Computer Science at the San Diego State University.

    I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering and M.S. in Computer Engineering both from Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in May 2006.

Recent Events

  • [09/09/19]: Our paper entitled "A Memory-Access-Efficient Adaptive Implementation of kNN on FPGA through HLS" is accepted by the ICCD 2019. Congratulations to Xiaojia!
  • [06/20/19]: Xiaojia Song joined AMD.
  • [06/13/19]: Xiaojia Song successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Accelerating Data Center Applications through Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Computing: from Near-Data Processing to Data-Access Reduction". Congratulations to Xiaojia!
  • [05/20/19]: Wen Pan joined Western Digital.
  • [03/15/19]: Wen Pan successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Data Management on Non-volatile Memory: from Mobile Applications to Large-scale Databases". Congratulations to Wen Pan!
  • [03/01/19]: Our paper entitled "A Near-Data Processing Server Architecture and Its impact on Data Center applications" is accepted by the ISC HPC 2019. Congratulations to Xiaojia Song!
  • [01/23/19]: Our paper entitled "HART: A Concurrent Hash-Assisted Radix Tree for DRAM-PM Hybrid Memory Systems" is accepted by the 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). Congratulations to Wen Pan and Xiaojia Song!
  • [06/30/18]: I received a NSF grant "Decoupling File System from Volatile Main Memory: A First Step towards a Single-Level Persistent Store"
  • [04/18/18]: Our paper entitled "A Mirroring-Assisted Channel-RAID5 SSD for Mobile Applications" is accepted by the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. Congratulations to Wen Pan!
  • [04/02/18]: Xiaojia Song received the IEEE TCHPC Student Travel Award ($1000) for attending CCGrid 2018 conference. Congratulations to Xiaojia Song!
  • [03/27/18]: Our paper entitled "A File System Bypassing Volatile Main Memory: Towards A Single-Level Persistent Store" is accepted by the 15th ACM Inaternational Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF 2018). Congratulations to Deng Zhou and Wen Pan!
  • [02/28/18]: Our paper entitled "Empirical Evaluation and Enhancement of Enterprise Storage System Request Scheduling" is accepted by ACM Transactions on Storage. Congratulations to Deng Zhou and Wen Pan!
  • [01/29/18]: Our paper entitled "RISP: A Reconfigurable In-Storage Processing Framework with Energy-Awareness" is accepted by the 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2018). Congratulations to Xiaojia Song and Wen Pan!
  • [11/29/16]: My student Deng Zhou successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "I/O Stack Optimization for Non-Volatile Memory Based Storage Systems". Congratulations to Deng Zhou!
  • [10/06/16]: My student Wen Pan presented our paper entitled "How Many MLCs Should Impersonate SLCs to Optimize SSD Performance?" at MEMSYS 2016 in Washting D.C.
  • [05/16/16]: Our paper entitled "How Many MLCs Should Impersonate SLCs to Optimize SSD Performance?" is accepted by the 2nd International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS 2016). Congratulations to Wei Wang, Deng Zhou, and Wen Pan!
  • [11/30/15]: The source code and the traces of our publication "I/O Characteristics of Smartphone Applications and Their Implications for eMMC Design (IISWC 2015)" are available now! The source code of the BIOtracer (a trace colloecting tool that can collect I/O informatin from both the block layer and the eMMC driver layer) and the 25 block-level I/O traces from 18 applications (e.g., Email and Twitter) and their combinations (i.e., 7 combo traces) on a Nexus 5 smartphone will be provided upon email request. Please send us an email at txie@mail.sdsu.edu if you want a copy.
  • [06/22/15]: Our paper entitled "I/O Characteristics of Smartphone Applications and Their Implications for eMMC Design" is accepted by the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC 2015). Congratulations to Deng Zhou, Wen Pan, and Wei Wang!
  • [05/12/15]: Our paper entitled "An SSD-HDD Integrated Storage Architecture for Write-Once-Read-Once Applications on Clusters" is accepted by the 17th IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2015). Congratulations to Cailiang Xu, Wei Wang, and Deng Zhou!
  • [04/26/15]: Our paper entitled "Reducing MLC Flash Memory Retention Errors through Programming Initial Step Only" is accepted by the 31st International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST 2015, Research Track). Congratulations to Wei Wang!
  • [04/06/15]: Our paper entitled "SWANS: An Inter-Disk Wear-Leveling Strategy for RAID-0 Structured SSD Arrays" is accepted by ACM Transactions on Storage. Congratulations to Wei and Abhinav!
  • [04/05/15]: Our paper entitled "An Embedded Storage Framework Abstracting Each Raw Flash Device as An MTD" is accepted by the 8th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2015). Congratulations to Wei and Deng!
  • [03/12/15]: My student Wei Wang will join SanDisk as a Sr. Research Engineer in the Advance Technology Team this April.
  • [03/11/15]: My student Wei Wang successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Boosting Performance and Endurance of Flash-Based Storage Systems: From Embedded Systems to Enterprise Servers". Congratulations to Wei Wang!
  • [02/27/15]: My student Deng Zhou received a 2015 Summer Intern position at NetApp. Congratulations to Deng!
  • [01/10/15]: Our paper entitled "SIRF-1: Enhancing Reliability of Single Flash SSD through Internal Mirroring for Mission-Critical Mobile Applications" is accepted by the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2015). Congratulations to Michael MacFadden and Richard Shelby!
  • [11/11/14]: Our paper entitled "PCFTL: A Plane-Centric Flash Translation Layer Utilizing Copy-Back Operations" is accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Congratulations to Wei!
  • [05/6/14]: My student Wei Wang received a 2014 Summer Intern position at Segate Technology. Congratulations to Wei!
  • [04/23/14]: Our paper entitled "CR5M: A Mirroring-Powered Channel-RAID5 Architecture for An SSD" is accepted by the 30th International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST 2014, Research Track, Full Paper). Congratulations to Yu Wang, Wei Wang, and Wen Pan!
  • [03/18/14]: Our paper entitled "Understanding the Impact of Threshold Voltage on MLC Flash Memory Performance and Reliability " is accepted by the 28th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2014). Congratulations to Wei Wang and Deng Zhou!
  • [10/03/13]: Our paper entitled "PDB: A Reliability-Driven Data Reconstruction Strategy Based on Popular Data Backup for RAID4 SSD Arrays " is accepted as a Distinguished Paper by ICA3PP 2013. Congratulations to Feng Liu and Wen Pan!
  • [08/15/13]: Our paper entitled "SPD-RAID4: Splitting Parity Disk for RAID4 Structured Parallel SSD Arrays" is accepted by HPCC 2013. Congratulations to Wen Pan and Feng Liu!
  • [08/03/13]: I received a NSF grant "A Device-Array Based Flash Storage System for Emerging Data-Intensive and Mission-Critical Mobile Applications: from Architecture Redesign to New File System"
  • [01/31/13]: Our paper entitled "DLOOP: A Flash Translation Layer Exploiting Plane-Level Parallelism" was awarded the Best Paper of IPDPS 2013. Congratulations to Abdul Abdurrab and Wei Wang!
  • [12/24/12]: Our paper entitled "DLOOP: A Flash Translation Layer Exploiting Plane-Level Parallelism" is accepted by IPDPS 2013. Congratulations to Abdul Abdurrab and Wei Wang!
  • [04/23/12]: Our paper entitled "Making Garbage Collection Wear Conscious for Flash SSD" is accepted by NAS 2012. Congratulations to Jonathan Tjioe and Andres Blanco!
  • [09/15/11]: Our paper entitled "Dynamic Data Replication on Flash SSD Assisted Video-on-Demand Servers" is accepted by ICNC 2012. Congratulations to Ramya Manjunath!
  • [03/09/11]: Our paper entitled "Boosting Random Write Performance for Enterprise Flash Storage Systems" is accepted by the 27th IEEE Symposium on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST2011).
  • [11/30/10]: My student Janak Koshia will join Hitachi Global Storage Technologies December 2010 as a Enterprise HDD/SSD Firmware Engineer. Congratulations to Janak Koshia!
  • [08/05/10]: Our paper entitled "Understanding the Relationship between Energy Conservation and Reliability in Parallel Disk Arrays" is accepted by the Special Issue on Data-Intensive Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
  • [06/18/10]: My student Janak Koshia received a Storage Architecture 2010 Summer Intern position at Hitachi Global Storage Technologies. He will conduct research in San Jose from July to November.
  • [05/22/10]: I received the 2009-2010 College of Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award.
  • [02/08/10]: My student Abhinav Sharma joined Qualcom this month. Congratulations to Abhinav Sharma!
  • [01/21/10]: Our paper entitled "FIRE: A File Reunion Based Data Replication Strategy for Data Grids" is accepted by CCGrid 2010 with acceptance rate = 51/219 = 23.3%. Congratulations to Abdul R. Abdurrab!
  • [12/01/09]: Our paper entitled "Dynamic Data Reallocation in Hybrid Disk Arrays" is accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
  • [11/15/09]: Our paper entitled "A file assignment strategy independent of workload characteristic assumptions" was published by the ACM Transactions on Storage.
  • [09/17/09]: I received NSF CAREER Award “Architectural Support for Integrating NAND Flash Solid State Disks into Enterprise-Class Storage Systems?
  • [05/20/09]: Our paper entitled "DORA: A Dynamic File Assignment Strategy with Replication" is accepted by ICPP'09 with acceptance rate = 71/220 = 32.3%. Congratulations to Jonathan Tjioe, Renata Widjaja, and Abraham Lee!
  • [02/12/09]: Our paper entitled "Collaboration-Oriented Data Recovery for Mobile Disk Arrays" is accepted by ICDCS'09 with acceptance rate = 74/455 = 16.3%.
  • [08/23/08]: I received a NSF grant “Energy-Efficient and Reliability-Aware Data Management in Mobile Storage Systems?
  • [07/27/08]: Our paper entitled "SAIL: Self-Adaptive File Reallocation on Hybrid Disk Arrays" is accepted by HiPC'08 with acceptance rate = 46/319 = 14%.
  • [05/27/08]: My student Deepthi K. Madathil received an IBM 2008 summer internship. She will conduct research at the storage department at the IBM Almaden Research Center from May to September.
  • [05/15/08]: Our paper entitled "PEARL: Performance, Energy, and Reliability Balanced Dynamic Data Redistribution for Next Generation Disk Arrays" is accepted by MASCOTS'08.
  • [04/29/08]: My student Yao Sun received the 2008 Most Outstanding Master’s Candidate in Computer Science Award from our department. Congratulations to Yao Sun!
  • [04/14/08]: Our paper entitled "MICRO: A Multi-level Caching-based Reconstruction Optimization for Mobile Storage Systems" is accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Computers.

This web site is created and maintained by Tao Xie. Page last updated: 01/22/2020. All rights reserved ?2005